Maldives - Res0rt
Just out oF suDDen ii feel like g0in overseas..
there sEems s0 much f0r miie t0 expl0re out thR..
just like e pix ab0ve.. its so tEmpted !
hahars!! e blueie cLear sEa.. mymy ~but nid $$ ! awww ~ >< ~
t0dae w0ke up @ 11am + waiting & waiting.. den slp bak (:
den wake uP ard 3+ agn.. muMMy w0ke miie uP.. haha..
eat fish p0rridge ~ b0ring ! ii wann eat jaPanesE food !! gr0wll !!
and finally my med g0in t0 finish by t0dae!! wakakas!
aniwayss.. 3 m0re dayss to sch re-open.. i'm afraid tt ii
c0uldn't make it to sch man .. still rEc0verin in pr0gRess.. hmpf
there sEems s0 much f0r miie t0 expl0re out thR..
just like e pix ab0ve.. its so tEmpted !
hahars!! e blueie cLear sEa.. mymy ~but nid $$ ! awww ~ >< ~
t0dae w0ke up @ 11am + waiting & waiting.. den slp bak (:
den wake uP ard 3+ agn.. muMMy w0ke miie uP.. haha..
eat fish p0rridge ~ b0ring ! ii wann eat jaPanesE food !! gr0wll !!
and finally my med g0in t0 finish by t0dae!! wakakas!
aniwayss.. 3 m0re dayss to sch re-open.. i'm afraid tt ii
c0uldn't make it to sch man .. still rEc0verin in pr0gRess.. hmpf
ur w0rds reAli hurts..
but i'l understand.. tts ur w0rriess..
ii've already choose nt t0 contact ..
cos ii care b0ut ur decision..
all of these ii did..
its just because ii l0ve uu....
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