l0ng timE n0 bl0gg lerr..
finishh myy prelim lerr.
haish.. waD a mEss iiEx haf d0ne t0 it!
L1R4 gt 30 pts! WTF ?!
wanna stUdy.. butt dhunno h0w t0 start..
waaa la0ss..!
s0 strEss lerr arhh..!
everydayy.. acting as iF nth happen..
putting on a sMilin faCe..
but. wh0 reaLi n0es myy hEart..
*nt even myseLf n0es*
*nt even myseLf n0es*
days aFter days.
m0re anD m0re mem0ries recaLLed..
waD iiEx cann d0 ish juz pretend that
iiEx nv think bef0re..
iiEx nv think bef0re..
tdy. wE toOk cynthia car went to 99 turn that to dou fong.
shiok lorh.. blow all e unhappiness away..
but everytime ask her drive us ard..
a bit bad lorh. .
but she is a nice girl ya. glad that she l0ve adel so much..
aniway.. iiEx br0ke myy fingernaiL siax..
bleed lorhh.. deep deep man..
aiyo.. wad to do..
its FATE ! xD

similar t0 miie yarr =X
aniway.. juz linked myy dearEst sis .
she gt blog lerr. *claps claps*
muz update often worss.. ^^
kawaii bahh!
`xPrincess sign ~
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