it haf pass 2 o lv paper already.
chem & geo..
f0r e b0th paper..
dhunn0 why iiEx jUz cant c0ncentrate on d0in the papers..
kiP having my mind wandering over ar0und..
reali dunno h0w iiEx goin to pasS my o..
miie n0w chg my bLog sOng to jenny !
hahars!!! *winks*
tmr ish hist0ry paper..
sO iiEx nt g0in tO skol !
but iF debbie gOin bak den mayb iiEx aLso gO bak bah..
nExt wEek math lorhh..
dEn jUz n0w..
mOm kiP askin miie gO finD jOb..
its sO fUckin irritating larhhss..!
nOrt as iF iiEx wOnt gO finD one..
it was like HELLO ?!
iiEx still having e fuckin exam nOw ryte?!!
cant uu jUz stOp tokin bOut it ?!!
shE majiam every few hOurs wiLL ask and tell 1 timE !
fOr e paSt fEw weEks lerr nehh...
na bEi.. !
du lan !
sOmetimes iiEx wOnder..
waD makes miie sO du lan .
thE usuaL miie w0nt gEts sO du Lan ez de nOr..
nOw a bit aLso du Lan..
*WTF* man !

jUz br0ke uP wit him..
there aLwayz a reas0n iiEx m d0in tt..
jUz dhun feel like sayin aLL out aGn..
tts reaLi piSsed miie oFF..
iiEx dhun care iF uu hate miie aNOt..
as thr wiLL nt bE things that r f0reva..
& f0reva d0esnt exist in myy liFe..
070707 --- 241007
oUr jOurnEy ends hEre..
`xPrincess sign ~
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