02 April 2007

``` apriL fooL ```

aiyaya.. t0dae apriL fooL larr..
sienz lerr... wake uP earliEr den maii sis
t0 snatCh c0m! muhahaha!

t0dae aftErn00n.. maii cha0tic QuEenie was sh0 bad larr..
send miie msg.. "saying ii gavE hEr n0. t0 other ppl.."
ii was sh0 "HUH? did ii?"
dEn ii sCroLL dwn and saw happi apriL fool..
sh0 lame.. at e end oF e msg still write if ii rEply den nid pay $100
r0ar! henG ii nv ti0 bLuff larr..
or eLse ps sia..
ii f0rward e msg t0 s0me of maii frEnz and 7/10 gt chEated..!
"tt means thEy dunn read msg t0 e end"

aftEr e dUmb j0ke f0r apriL f00l.
ii was sh0 piss dEn ii g0 tell maii m0m..
"muMMy, ii jUz piCk uP a wallet wit $2050"
dEn she was like "w0w! reaLi?"
shE evEn askk miie gif e $ t0 hEr..
h0wevEr.. its was mEant t0 be a j0ke!
ii say " bleh! bluff u de.. aPril fooL!"
dEn muMMy was sh0 piss larr.
dEn punish miie t0 cook food xD
*less0n tauGHt* nt t0 play wit m0m! (jkin)

aftEr c00kin e deLici0us mEal.. (bhb)
ii wEnt playin maple larr.
sinCe ii gt nth t0 d0..
ii gt conned twice by same pErs0n larr.
maii maple m3i m3i she she br0ke uP wit hEr bf..
and shE say hEr didi deL hEr frm buddy list..
sh0 dumB f0r miie t0 beLieve.. T.T
dEnii wEnt ard asking maii frEnz that y they ask
ppL t0 dEfame miie.. gEez*
thEy was sh0 sh0ck larr.
sh0 funni.. dEn 11.50pm..
GM say thEre will bE a 10 day patch frM 2nd(12am) april t0 12apriL..
dEn maii frEnz all logg out sia..
sCare thin l0st..
and ACTUALLY its a april fool j0ke frm GM!!
and mani ppl did LOG OUT!
*poor thin f0r th0se wh0 lOgg oUt*

cUte larr..
aPriL fooL is sh0 funn..
ii tink ii lv maii charcter dEn g0 slp lerr bahh~~

*No camera in the world would capture the way SHE look at him*

signin off ~

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