25 November 2007

sick lerr

sicknEss fasterr g0 away !
`x Princess siGn ~

07 November 2007


hoho ~

tmr g0 chalet lerr..
finaLLy finish exaM aLso lerr..

s0 haPPi leiis..!


went t0 kimage t0 dye hair etc.

jie jie help miie pay 1st..

waahh ka00xx...

s0 ex larhh...

$275 per pers0n.. T_T

br0ke larrhhh !


tmr nid wake uP early t0 pack w0 de bag

den g0 chalet lerr. ^^



tis photo is taken at west coast park..


nice marh ???

wen iiEx c0me bak fr0m chalet den bl0g wit m0re photos bahh..

getting late lerr..

wanna sLp lia0ss..

nitess guyss..

`x Princess sign ~

31 October 2007


my rebellious tenshi
tattered wings that falls
only you can save it
my sour tears

my speechless tounge
words that you never would say
the words i need to hear
my promises

my surrendering truth
not wanting to speak
mouth with blade
my bleeding lips

my liar pen
quit writing the sin
your ink causes blood
my memories

my kuro tenshi
with crimson regrets
just ignore and keep going on
my precious souls

`xPrincess sign ~

26 October 2007


it haf pass 2 o lv paper already.
chem & geo..
f0r e b0th paper..
dhunn0 why iiEx jUz cant c0ncentrate on d0in the papers..
kiP having my mind wandering over ar0und..
reali dunno h0w iiEx goin to pasS my o..

miie n0w chg my bLog sOng to jenny !
hahars!!! *winks*

tmr ish hist0ry paper..
sO iiEx nt g0in tO skol !
but iF debbie gOin bak den mayb iiEx aLso gO bak bah..
nExt wEek math lorhh..

dEn jUz n0w..
mOm kiP askin miie gO finD jOb..
its sO fUckin irritating larhhss..!
nOrt as iF iiEx wOnt gO finD one..
it was like HELLO ?!
iiEx still having e fuckin exam nOw ryte?!!
cant uu jUz stOp tokin bOut it ?!!
shE majiam every few hOurs wiLL ask and tell 1 timE !
fOr e paSt fEw weEks lerr nehh...
na bEi.. !
du lan !

sOmetimes iiEx wOnder..
waD makes miie sO du lan .
thE usuaL miie w0nt gEts sO du Lan ez de nOr..
nOw a bit aLso du Lan..
*WTF* man !


jUz br0ke uP wit him..
there aLwayz a reas0n iiEx m d0in tt..
jUz dhun feel like sayin aLL out aGn..
tts reaLi piSsed miie oFF..
iiEx dhun care iF uu hate miie aNOt..
as thr wiLL nt bE things that r f0reva..
& f0reva d0esnt exist in myy liFe..

070707 --- 241007
oUr jOurnEy ends hEre..

`xPrincess sign ~

21 October 2007

Are You Romantic or Realistic?

You Are A Romantic Realist

You tend to be grounded when it comes to romance.
Sure, you can fall hard... but only for someone you've gotten to know.
And once you're in love, you can be a total romantic goofball...
But you'd never admit it to your friends!
`xPrincess siGn ~

Inside the Room of Your Soul

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from you, but they're going to get it.

You believe that people see you for how you are, not how you look. But deep down, you know that's not exactly true.

Your near future is still unknown, and a little scary. You'll get through wild times - and you'll textually enjoy it.

For you, falling in love is all about flirting and feeling playful. You couldn't fall in love with someone who took life too seriously.
`xPrincess siGn

20 October 2007

wad kind oF candy ~

Gummy Bears

You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.

11 October 2007

ling gt bLog..

l0ng timE n0 bl0gg lerr..
finishh myy prelim lerr.
haish.. waD a mEss iiEx haf d0ne t0 it!
L1R4 gt 30 pts! WTF ?!
wanna stUdy.. butt dhunno h0w t0 start..
waaa la0ss..!
s0 strEss lerr arhh..!

everydayy.. acting as iF nth happen..
putting on a sMilin faCe..
but. wh0 reaLi n0es myy hEart..
*nt even myseLf n0es*

days aFter days.
m0re anD m0re mem0ries recaLLed..
waD iiEx cann d0 ish juz pretend that
iiEx nv think bef0re..

tdy. wE toOk cynthia car went to 99 turn that to dou fong.
shiok lorh.. blow all e unhappiness away..
but everytime ask her drive us ard..
a bit bad lorh. .
but she is a nice girl ya. glad that she l0ve adel so much..
aniway.. iiEx br0ke myy fingernaiL siax..
bleed lorhh.. deep deep man..
aiyo.. wad to do..
its FATE ! xD

similar t0 miie yarr =X

aniway.. juz linked myy dearEst sis .
she gt blog lerr. *claps claps*
muz update often worss.. ^^

kawaii bahh!

`xPrincess sign ~

28 September 2007


its has bEen 3 days iiEx din g0 sk0l lia0..
eating aLm0st 1 & haLf b0x oF panaDoL lerr still havin fEvEr..
suDDenly bEri c0ld.. suDDenly bEri h0t..
din evEn catCh a sLeepp lAst nitEx.. s0bx.. T.T
miiE aLs0 dunn0 e rEEas0n oF geTTin fEvEr man ..
sto0pit de..
n0w miiE frEzzeeiinnn siax...
wEar jaCket aLs0 n0 use.. stiLL cOld..
eat aLso n0 mo0d.. WTF*

h0pe dhat by nExt weEk iiEx cann rEc0vEr bahh...

enD wit s0me cuTe fotos!

`x Princess siGn ~

18 August 2007

br0ken smiLes

` iiEx haf tirEd t0 lauGh b0ut it .
c0vEr it uP wit lies .

` iiEx haf triEd t0 lauGh b0ut it .
hidinG that tEars in myy eyes .

` iiEx haf triEd t0 lauGh b0ut it .
but* myy lauGhter s0unds diMmer .

` th0se dEadly lies iiEx've maDe .
` th0se sHattEred tEars tt faLLs frM myy chEek .
` th0se pathEtiC lauGhtEr iiEx aLwayz gavE .

` anD n0w iiEx wiLL rEalise tt .

`xPrincess siGn

12 August 2007


tHr ish sOmethin
I’ve beEn longing to sayy,
iiEx jUz cant stop tinkin bOut eUu
evEryday, evEryniGht anD evEry mOment.
iiEx haF feelings furr eUu .
iiEx jUz cant expLain tt fEElin,
iiEx feeL tt iiEx haf faLLen aGn .
*BUT iiEx m sO afraiD*
shOuLd iiEx cOntinuE tO fall or .........

`xPrincess siGn

11 August 2007


sOme duMb aCt l0rhh ~ xD

hahars!! seLina & miie at Mount Faber thr ~ viEw sh0 niCe ~!

aCtuaLLy on e nati0naL day wE wantEd tO gO uP sEe firE wOrks de. but wE r toO late.. =_= so we onLi cann gO uP and haf fun ~ hoho ~

aftEr e cablE car ride. wE wEnt viv0 sEe b0i b0i ~ hur hur =X

bUt toO baD arh.. shOp close.. onLi cann sEe theM frm far.. =P

sOme zi lian de phot0 ~ xD

sista extra leii ~

hehe.. lOok fat nehh.

toOk tis fotO in liFt..

hehezz.. lOve myy cOntaCt nehh ~

maii sista && miie ~

hahars!! faCe toO uGly mUz cOver ~ =X


shaLL enD myy pOst wit tis ke aiix de p0n & zi photO ~

l0Ve thEm aLot wOrx.. ^^

*dhUn evEr cry. iiex wiLL aLways bE thr t0 cure ur pain anD take away ur pain.. iiex rathEr iiex suFFer dEn uu take e pain..*

x`Princess sign ~

08 August 2007

iiex wiLL live on.

I couldn't help it but shed a tear,
Whenever I recalled those moments we'd shared,
It was bliss to have you so near,
And knowing that for me you really cared.

I'd long for those moments when our eyes met,
And when you put your arms around my waist,
The way you snugged me whenever we embraced,
They were so sweet, so romantic to taste.

I'd long for the way you'd called me dear,
And the kiss you'd give me before you leave,
You'd taken away my fear towads love,
And given me a stronger reason to believe.

Why then, did you have to destroy the love
I had learnt to accept and trust?
Why then, did you have to break my heart,
And let me wallow in pain unjust?

My heart was ever bleeding,
But it has now bled dry,
My tears were ever dropping,
But I have ceased to cry,

For you have taught me to be strong,
In the face of pain,
You have taught me that love is cruel,
So I may never love again,
I will live on, and never look back,
I will live on, and forget about you,
This is the vow, that shall liberatemy soul,
And bring me on, to a life anew......

+*bY xD*+

05 August 2007

thErmOmEtEr aku mana ?!
niD take tEmpEratuRe lerr..
gt fEvEr f0r 2 days lerr..
saDD-ed larhh..
tis fEw days jUz cannt gEt e f*ckin f&n d0ne..
all brain ish like shattEred int0 mani mani..
g0in hEctic lErr..
BUT* ms cHin waS s0 gD tt shE gaVe miie
an0ther 2 days t0 gEt it d0ne.. xD

anD tMr wiLL bE e dEadlinE..
g0in chi0ng f0r it..
wish miiE gD luCk yarr.

t0daE iiex din turn uP f0r e awarD at SP.
tOo siCk t0 g0 dwn larhh..
mayb mOnday thEy wiLL pasS it tO miie bahh.. =P

hMmM.. dEn at 1+ miie wEnt jur0ng t0 eat KFC wit sista.
aFteR tt wE wEnt IMM walk walk..
denn lalala.. den g0 finD fren..
den gg hme arD 11+ wE wann go hm..
den gt BANGALA foLLow us..
stooPit de.. sO disgUstin larhh..
hE like aiM e zha bO larhh.
frEakin eR xin!
dEn miie fast fast g0 hm.
tEll mummy waD haPPen lerr.
dEn shE was lauGin upsiDe dwn larhh..
baD baD*
dEn shE sayy shld gO bEat e BANGALA.. =_=
hur hur =X
feel like chOppin hiM int0 piEcEs anD fEed hiS feLLow

hMmm.. jUz bath & cOme ouT..
blOg blOg larhh.. shO lOng nEbEr blOg lerr.
majiaM dying soOn.. hehez
g0nna enD lerr.
tmr mUz chiong !
F&N !

`xPrincess siGn

30 July 2007

You Are My Sunshine
* * ~{Dedicated to Princess}~ * *

You are my sunshine, you are my sky,
You give me the warmth, that makes my day high,
With you around, I need not fear,
For your warmth will always dry my tear.

You are my desserts, my treble ice-cream,
You give me succulent delights, that I'd only dared dream,
With each mouthful, my joy grows more,
For your care is something I've never tasted before.

You are my galaxy, you are my star,
You grant my heartfelt wishes, up from afar,
Under your gaze, I smile in relish,
For your presence is my heart's greatest wish.

You are my bestie, you are my friend,
You are the reason why I live in content,
With you in my heart, I need not worry,
For I know you'll always be there, for me.

+*+*+~{authenticated by: xD}~+*+*+

22 July 2007

+*+*+~{Dedicated to: My Friend}~+*+*+

We've come a long way, dear friend,
Over rain and shine, over euphoria and sighs,
Real friendship that could only be godsend,
Darling, I've treasured you a lot. No lies.

Those moments of hugs, secrets and tears,
Have always been wonderful memories in my heart,
Alas, wretched impulsiveness has cost our friendship dear:
Those words of denunciation wrenched my heart; tore it apart.

Red, fresh blood that vehement blade did draw,
Excruciating pain, that seared like the flames of hell,
All this injustice that our friendship saw,
Let them be gone, please- break the evil spell.

Hit me with naught but a forgiving kiss,
Unbind me from distress; let our friendship renew,
Right from my heart, I just wanna say this:
The most precious thing in the world. Is You.

+*+*+~{authenticated by: xD}~+*+*+

14 July 2007


+*+*+~{composed by: xD}~+**+

Unspoken passion,
Buried 'neath recesses so clandestine;
Like a torch beaconing the fiery battlefield of war,
Blazing undiminished against the sleet and shine.

Unrequited love,
That inflicted upon the innocent its excruciating mark;
The blade that it used to pierce,
Drew blood fresher than the fangs of a vehement shark.

Acute agony,
The notes of sorrow that lingered after the crusade;
Resonating in voidness like an angel's cries of demise,
Never to wane, never to fade.

Those honeyed words and loving caress,
Ravishing glances of passion that spellbound her eyes;
All but an incredible plot of finesse,
Conceived to bewilder by the uncanny devil in disguise.

You didn't know how much it hurt,
That nothing can erase her excruciating pain;
All that she can say now are these extreme words:
Never will she believe in love, again......

06 July 2007


are friends?
Friends are people that you think are your friends
But they're really your enemies,
with secret indentities and disguises,
to hide they're true colors
So just when you think
you're close enough to be brothers
they wanna come back and
cut your throat when you ain't lookin ~
-"If I Had" - Eminem

its juz a niCe s0ng.. >_<
`xPrincess sign ~

04 July 2007

dunn find l0ve, let l0ve find eUu. tt's y it's

**call3d faLLin in l0ve, c0x eUu dUnn f0rce
**urs3lf t0 fall, eUu jUz fall.
**It br3aks ur h3art t0 sEe e 0ne eUu l0ve ish happi
**wit s0me0ne eLse, but it's m0re painfuL t0 n0e tt
**e 0ne eUu l0ve ish unhappi wit eUu
**Faith makEs all thin p0ssibLe
**Lov3 mak3s th3m eaSy.
**Do eUu l0ve miie c0x I am b3autifuL
**0r aM I b3autifuL c0x I am l0ved?
**Love miie n0w, l0ve me n3ver,*

`xPrinCess siGn .

03 July 2007


BORED ! skol start liao..!

will uPdate soOn... =]

sOrii f0r nt uPdating . =X

bibi ~


01 June 2007

aFtEr sEein euu tOdae..
im haf a mix fEelin &
ii am fEelin upsiDe d0wn n0w...

signin off~

27 May 2007


tis rEali w0rth sharing ! xD
ii l0ve it man ~! ^^

Click on e videO.. =]

25 May 2007

25 may 2007

I triEd so hard to fOrgEt eUu..
bUt ii sEe eUu in aLL e famiLiar pLacEs
and it aLL takEs miie bakk tO mEmOriEs wE had
thOse tiMes tt mEant evErythin tO miie
and notHing tO eUu ......

ii tink ii wiLL hatE eUu..
hatE eUu fOr lEavin miie..
lEavin miiE alOne..
alOne tO sUrvive..
ii nOe ii cannt..
bUt eUu insist..
brOken hEart onCe aGain..
ii aM sOri tO beLievE in all ur lies ~!

its a liFe timE tO buiLd a friEndsHips,
anD a sEcOnds tO tO dEstrOy it.
ii hOpe it dOesnt aPPly tO all maii frEnz..
espEciallyy maii QueeniEs... >_<

signin off ~
PrinCess `x

19 May 2007

Once upOn a timE

Once upOn a tiMe.. ___+

___+ A PrinCess fell in l0vE..

Her PrinCe seeMed hard tO find.. ___+

___+ He ish an anGel frm abOve..

Little did she knOw.. They’ll soOn be apart? ___+

___+ He leFt her thr alOne dying..

With hEr shattEred brOken bLeeding hEart.. ___+

signin off ~
PrinCess `x

15 May 2007

fanny birthdae

FANNY ONG !!!!!!!!!!

signin off ~

05 May 2007


~ * Forever means forever * ~

~ * And not just a couple of days * ~

~ * You promised me forever * ~

~ * But forever didn't stay * ~

~ * I guess that was a lie * ~

~ * Don't promise me forever * ~

~ * Cause forever makes me cry * ~

signin off ~

02 May 2007

anOther deDication

The Cute L'il TroubleMaker

+*+*+~{Dedicated to: Princess}~+*+*+

If u're ever looking for a quintessence of a troublemaker,
Then look no more!
For she's twice as large as life sitting in front of u,
Too hard for any idiot to ignore!

She giggles- the sound can knock down a big-sized teacher;
She jiggles- her whirlwind steps can make a parade go crazy;

But worst of all...

Cos she's demanding a poem from poor busy old me!

BUT don't judge a Princess by her looks,
For her sweetness can melt a burning volcano.

So if u ever have a sore heart,
go to
Her and she will make ur irritating pain go!

+*+*+~{authenticated byXD

30 April 2007

anime anime

jUz finiSh the animE oUran hiGh sChool cLub ~
niCe larr.. miie spEnt 2 days tO finSh e whOle shOw !
gEez ! *claps claps*
miiE tink gOnna stOp anime-in liaOo...

miD yR ish jUz next wEek..!
haishh... shOuld bE staRtin stUdyin lErr bahh...
BUT* ii sEems nOrt in e mOod siax... hUmph !

tMrw labOur day lErr!
hMmMz? givinG birtH day?? aha! laMe ii nOe ~
sOrrii larr... kekex *eviL smiLe*

dhats aLl Or tOddaaee ~!

signin off ~

29 April 2007

please will u

don't tell miie eUu [love] miie.

Unless eUu [mean] it.

Because, I miGht dO sOmEtHing [crazy]

Like [believe] in it._____ <\3 .

signin off ~

28 April 2007


(*.:)tiE miiE uP anD pUsh miiE dOwn(*:.)

(:.*)PuLL miiE unDer, makE miiE drOwn(.:*)

(*.:)FeeD miiE pOisOn, makE miiE chOke(*:.)

(:.*)sLit maii wRists, dEn sLit maii thrOat(.:*)

(*.:)sayy eUu lOve miiE, watCh miiE diE(*:.)

*C.a.u.s.E. i.n. t.h.E. e.n.d. *i.t. i.s. a.l.l. a. *L.I.E*

signin off~

25 April 2007



*claps claps*

wEnt sChoOlin todae ,
bOred as usual . .
dUnnO whY fElt shO rEstleSs
nOwadaes . .

SORRY! i'm hEartleSs bUt yEt i'M faitHfuL . .

signin off ~

24 April 2007

+*+*+~{Dedicated to: Princess}~+*+*+

She woke up bleary in the wee mornin
Feelin dull in the dumps cos’ of school.
But then a short, sharp pain aroused her senses,
And she started chuckling like a fool.

Her mum called her for breakfast,
But found her snug in bed.
When she saw her laughing over her stomach-ache,
Her mum thought her siao in the head.

Then her teacher rang her up in a temper:
Her greeting was stern and tart.
But then she had to slam down the phone in horror,
For all she heard was a fcuking loud fart!

When Miss Stomach-Ache told me this story
I roared with interminable mirth.
For such brilliance a Princess possesses
Is only found in 1 in 1000000000 births!

+*+*+~{written by xia0 dan}~+*+*+

23 April 2007

wEnt skOl at 11.20am like tt.. which is aftEr rEcEsS eHx.. =P miie wEnt sk0l cOx aFteR rEcEsS gT 3 pEriOd oF maThs Larr.. afTer tt.. gT 1 pEriOd oF lit.. bOred..
wEnt tO cAntEen anD eAt.. dEn wEnt hMe.. LAME HAR!! wEnt skOl fOr 4 pEriOd dEn gO bak.. haiSh.. y canT e skOl stArt lAter a bit? sO ii cann wakE uP aNd gO skOl earLy.. lOlss..

isn't it truE?

sk0l ish bOred.. bUt wad cann ii do??? ii still mUz STUDY! gEt gd graDes, cOntinUes stUdying gEt diploma anD tHen degRee... withOut thOse.. u gEt nO jOb availaBle fOr uu!! hUmph..!


signin off~

20 April 2007

+*+*+~{Dedicated to: Princess}~+*+*+

She calls herself Princess: A sweet and charming girl. I'd stumbled upon her blog by accident; And thus made friends with the sweet little "pearl".

She adventurous: her passion for NPCC tells; She's hot: her love for dance and singing makes her THE one to be; She's chic: u see her dressing u sure can tell wor; AND she's smart: 'cos she made friends with handsome young ME!

Hence honoured is the guy to have known the girl: He thanks Fate for letting them be friends. Thus he has dedicated this "first-meeting" poem to her, With the honourable promise that friendship never ends.

+*+*+~{Written by: xia0 dan}~+*+*+

14 April 2007

sushi !

some pix tt ii eat out wit maii family ~
dunn dripp ur salivary arr...

e menu

green tea cup

heart shape de fish

fried roll


fried scallop

and finally e left over..

*eating is e paradise*
signin off~

13 April 2007

its maii birthdae

its maii birthdae t0dae!!! yay!! i'm seventeen lerr... yay!!!!! so happi... todae is kinda sO happi celebrating maii birthdae wit maii Queenies! as wE went to pizza at clementi to eat.. nice nice~~!!! ii todae gt mani mani presents too!! thx maii Queenies for e beloved presents!!!!

pizza de drumlet.

hahars!!! at NPCC tt time.. maii dearie secs 1 cadet sang birthdae song for miee~! so happi ~ and maii sweet sec 2s ish miie happi birthdaes too~! and they say ii old women! humph.. *but tts their cute-ness larr* xD
and also thx fiza for e brownies~!

went hme and maii mummy gimmi a big kiss on maii cheek and "happi birthdae!" hehe~ den maii younger sis.. *she wanna kiss on maii lips sia.. hum sup ehx.. hehe!!! eat cakes..!!! yay!!! such a long time ii din celebrate birthdae wit family lerr.. l0ve l0ve ~ =P

maii cute cakes

*so wad maii birthdae is on fridae e 13 ? im pr0ud t0 be a eviL chiLd*

signin off~


09 April 2007


tis m0rin ar.. dunn0 why wake uP at 5 siax.. hmmmz ?
den aftEr tt meet jena at 6.45am~ *tts early OK ! humph..
c0x her daddy nid send e br0 g0 skol den can send us g0 sk0l..
dang* den wE reach sk0l wait chelsea darling den went in sk0l..
wen we assemble at e parade square tt time maii stomach pain sia..
sadded larr.. dunno y pain also... lols...

went to chinese class.. *wondering is maii math textbook still over thr?
it is!!!! yay!!!! mr ma keep forr miie nehh... happi siax...!

den recess.. we bought some food to eat.. after tt...
miie and angie bought fruits larr.. den ii was squeezing out e plum powder for maii apple.. e stoopit bottle cant squeeze e thing out..
den ben lee and ky itchy hand go press e bottle and alot come out siax!
ass them...! ii onli gt half an apple leii... wit almost 1/2 of e bag full of e powder.. ohh my... how to eat sia.. stoopit.. humph.. =(
den after recess, wen we gg bak to class..
our dearie jena went over to stan stan and confess to him leii..!!!
she went over and askk " are u stanley? tt girl like u leii " den stan askk "who ? " cute larr.. >w<>
dunno he gt hear it anot.. =P

wit laughter and joy.. we went bak to our class.. ^^
combine math class wit 5n1.. they was darn noisy larr..
irritated e bitch.. den tio scolding.. orh bi...!
after tt gt lit and den we went hme..

den miie keep pester jena & chelsea to peii miie to mini toons..
hehe.. chelsea cant go cox she gt tuition.. sobx..
den jena gt irritated by miie and she say can go ! yay..!
miit her 4pm at bas stop.. she told miie to wear anitink & simple...
den she and candy wear till so nice.. T.T sad larr.. ii look weird..
den we went mini toons and found out tt its closing dwn..
shit them larr.. wann find de thin dunn haf lerr.. knn..
bought 3 cakes and we went bakk.. its ard 6.30pm..
den keep e cake in fridge..
p.s JENA rmb wrap e present horx... love... =P

*wad done cannt be undone..*

signin off~

08 April 2007


its juz a stoopit dae.. lols..

y ish evEryone getting sh0 emo sia..
g0 emo emo larr.. ii dunn wanna carE ani m0re..
jUz shut ur m0uth and g0 to hell.. arseh0le

sometimes e onli person eUu cann trusts ish urself..

*wad g0es ar0und c0me ar0und*

signin off~

05 April 2007

wEnt prawn fishing~

t0dae! ii struggle myself t0 wake uP
t0 g0 sk0l.. as ii pr0mise JENA~ =( darn tirEd larr.
g0 sk0l m0rning॥ e duMb cb tEacHer keep
e sEc 4 & 5s bakk t0 sing nati0nal anethem larr..
fucking lame..!
f0rr wad e hell wE r being f0rce t0 sing e nati0nal anethem?
sh0 idiotic lar.
miie, chelsea, jena din even b0ther t0 sing..
dEn after tt wE went bak t0 math less0n.
e bitCh teachEr sCold us upside dwn larr.
c0x wE din sing e nati0nal anethem..
bl00dy hell larr.. u wann u g0 sing urself mann..
BITCH !!!!!!!
sayy miie, Shakina, Chelsea & Jena
f0r nt being a gd ldr and nt having a gd discipline as wE din sing e nati0nal anethem.. *nah beii
h0w can she c0mpared this "singing" wit ur leadership?
its idiotic larr..
sh0 pissed in e m0rning ..
haish.. dEn aftEr tt wEnt ovEr t0 chinEse..
dEn ii tink ii left maii math textbook thr siax..
*ii still havEn wEnt bakk t0 take larr.*
"ii g0t n0 time"
aftEr recEss..
gt basic .. which ish f0rm teachEr peri0d larr.. Square pants teachEr askk yy din ii turn up f0rr ytd f0cus..
*HEY! tink urself larr square pants.. ur duMb f0cus is d0in n0thin one..
wad furr ii waste time g0..?*
aiyaa.. aftEr telling HALF* of e reas0n..
ii was sh0 pissEd by him larr.
askin e saMe retarEd quEstion agn & agn। dEn ii attitude him larr..
den wEnt slpin .. Geez~~
dEn asseMbly h0rx..
miie and Jena play till like sia0x sia..
sadly larr. ti0 scratch on maii wrist seh..
teng* teng* pain siax..
during e prize prEsentation..
gt mad w0men sh0uting..
AND* aftEr sk0l ..
miie & shakina wEnt getting rdy
f0rr prawn fishing..
like keewwll mann.. =P
wE b0ard e bas..
wEnt t0 lakeside..
dEn fish f0rr prawn.. lols
prawn fishin nid darn l0ts of tiMe larr.
sh0 b0ring lerr.
till e end.. even th0ugh u din fish ani prawn..
dhey still gif s0me prawn furr u t0 bring bakk..
cute siax.. >.<
hmmmz. and 1 of maii cadet ..
keep playin wit e prawn hands..
sh0 poor thin larr.
dunn even wann gif e prawn rest in pEace..
prawn fishin was sh0 tiring larr.
ii veri l0ng timE v play till sh0 tired lerr..
ii jUz l0ve nP.. =D
bUt thEy d0esnt sEEms t0 appreciate its larr.
wadeva.. n0 m00d say b0ut it..
dEn wEnt hme..
gt rEali b0red mann..
m0m askk miie d0 h0usewerk!
ka0z ehx..!
knn ~
*the key to maii heart is alwayz waiting nearby*
signin off~

04 April 2007

kinda bad dae ~

eiyeea.. t0dae g0 sk0l on tiMe sehxxxx..
k3na draG Jena.. hUmph..
aftEr assEmbly.. e mrs oei say its rainin..
den call us t0 g0 bakk class..
dEn ii was wondErin.. gt rain mehh ?
ii think ish she swEat larr.
dEn thoUght rainin! LOLs!
dEn wE gt iMf0rm tt tMr..
NPCC & NCC gt prawn fishing at lakeside sehz!
keewwl mann..!
ii wanna g0 too! =D

aftEr tt wE gt pe..
ii gt MC~ s0 n0 nid g0 pe..
kekekex! dEn ii saw e tEachEr
take gals pe like dumb siax..
juz kiking e ball to each other..
like laMe sia.. it was b0red..
den ii wEnt ovEr t0 watCh e guys plays s0ccer..
hahars! mUch m0re bEtter sEhz.. =P
quite enj0y it.. >.<

after pe leii.. gt ampit tEacHer class..
soCial studiEs.. "smelly"
b0red larr.
dEn after ss, gt physics larr.
waa lao ehx..
( ^ o o ^ )
wE d0 practical in e class larr..
connect e wirEs cann drive miie craZy sia..
reali t0ugh man!
during dhat less0n ii aldry bu shuang lerr!
sh0 wad ii gt attitude..
im b0red wit it..
sh0 bak off u bitChes~

wen e less0n end.. ii pack e stuff,
den wanna g0 keep.. dEn dunno wad e fuck
tripp till miie larr. den e
ammeter dr0p ont0 e floor..

dEn e TPE sCold larr..
say e dumb thin $50 larr..
wad shit thin larr..
na bei de.. s0 irritating de..
ltr gt chinese.. den recess..

aftEr tt gt f&n.. kewwl u n0e..
=D fun! ii jUz l0ve f&n.. =)
den finally last pEri0d ish eng..
sianz lerr. nid d0 summary!! argh!!
dumb dumb dumb!
dEn after tt wE wEnt d&t rm find
mr tang f0r s0me d&t stuff for Chelsea!
dEn wE wEnt t0 eat after tt..

and wE wEnt hme..
its was raining sh0 heavily larr..
dEn wE all jUz chiong out lorr..
kena ourselves sh0 wet larr.
cann see our *ahem =P
dEn c0me bak hme oso b0red.
s0bx! t0rture leii..
*ii nv stop loving you..
ii jUz stop showing it..*
signin off~