27 May 2007


tis rEali w0rth sharing ! xD
ii l0ve it man ~! ^^

Click on e videO.. =]

25 May 2007

25 may 2007

I triEd so hard to fOrgEt eUu..
bUt ii sEe eUu in aLL e famiLiar pLacEs
and it aLL takEs miie bakk tO mEmOriEs wE had
thOse tiMes tt mEant evErythin tO miie
and notHing tO eUu ......

ii tink ii wiLL hatE eUu..
hatE eUu fOr lEavin miie..
lEavin miiE alOne..
alOne tO sUrvive..
ii nOe ii cannt..
bUt eUu insist..
brOken hEart onCe aGain..
ii aM sOri tO beLievE in all ur lies ~!

its a liFe timE tO buiLd a friEndsHips,
anD a sEcOnds tO tO dEstrOy it.
ii hOpe it dOesnt aPPly tO all maii frEnz..
espEciallyy maii QueeniEs... >_<

signin off ~
PrinCess `x

19 May 2007

Once upOn a timE

Once upOn a tiMe.. ___+

___+ A PrinCess fell in l0vE..

Her PrinCe seeMed hard tO find.. ___+

___+ He ish an anGel frm abOve..

Little did she knOw.. They’ll soOn be apart? ___+

___+ He leFt her thr alOne dying..

With hEr shattEred brOken bLeeding hEart.. ___+

signin off ~
PrinCess `x

15 May 2007

fanny birthdae

FANNY ONG !!!!!!!!!!

signin off ~

05 May 2007


~ * Forever means forever * ~

~ * And not just a couple of days * ~

~ * You promised me forever * ~

~ * But forever didn't stay * ~

~ * I guess that was a lie * ~

~ * Don't promise me forever * ~

~ * Cause forever makes me cry * ~

signin off ~

02 May 2007

anOther deDication

The Cute L'il TroubleMaker

+*+*+~{Dedicated to: Princess}~+*+*+

If u're ever looking for a quintessence of a troublemaker,
Then look no more!
For she's twice as large as life sitting in front of u,
Too hard for any idiot to ignore!

She giggles- the sound can knock down a big-sized teacher;
She jiggles- her whirlwind steps can make a parade go crazy;

But worst of all...

Cos she's demanding a poem from poor busy old me!

BUT don't judge a Princess by her looks,
For her sweetness can melt a burning volcano.

So if u ever have a sore heart,
go to
Her and she will make ur irritating pain go!

+*+*+~{authenticated byXD