start sch at 9 due to no assEmbly.. *cLaps cLaps*
h0wever i'm still late f0r sch.. hahaRs!!
c0s t0dae less0n start fr0m OFA.. =P
OFA lesson was excel..
hEng iiEx g0rt study b4 excel fr0m my previ0us w0rk.. ^^
so at least iiEx still n0e a bit luhhhss..
den AFD release eaRlier 1 h0ur agn.. hee..
h0wever SH said dHat miie and jian yue din't attend the LT talk by the deupty dierct0r den nid to stay bak till 4.3o.. lame sHit..
den after sch, jian yue and ii went to find SH, msFoo, wanting to clarify with her..
cos we DID ATTEND the stoopit talk by the director!! but too baD luHhs.. cant find or c0ntact till her.. so~ wE wEnt hme aftEr dHat...
sHall expLain to her tmr... hahaRs..!
**its tiMe f0r wOrk** tata... ^^
(*.:)tiE miiE uP anD pUsh miiE dOwn(*:.)
(:.*)PuLL miiE unDer, makE miiE drOwn(.:*)
(*.:)FeeD miiE pOisOn, makE miiE chOke(*:.)
(:.*)sLit maii wRists, dEn sLit maii thrOat(.:*)
(*.:)sayy eUu lOve miiE, watCh miiE diE(*:.)
*C.a.u.s.E. i.n. t.h.E. e.n.d. *i.t. i.s. a.l.l. a. *L.I.E*