18 August 2007

br0ken smiLes

` iiEx haf tirEd t0 lauGh b0ut it .
c0vEr it uP wit lies .

` iiEx haf triEd t0 lauGh b0ut it .
hidinG that tEars in myy eyes .

` iiEx haf triEd t0 lauGh b0ut it .
but* myy lauGhter s0unds diMmer .

` th0se dEadly lies iiEx've maDe .
` th0se sHattEred tEars tt faLLs frM myy chEek .
` th0se pathEtiC lauGhtEr iiEx aLwayz gavE .

` anD n0w iiEx wiLL rEalise tt .

`xPrincess siGn

12 August 2007


tHr ish sOmethin
I’ve beEn longing to sayy,
iiEx jUz cant stop tinkin bOut eUu
evEryday, evEryniGht anD evEry mOment.
iiEx haF feelings furr eUu .
iiEx jUz cant expLain tt fEElin,
iiEx feeL tt iiEx haf faLLen aGn .
*BUT iiEx m sO afraiD*
shOuLd iiEx cOntinuE tO fall or .........

`xPrincess siGn

11 August 2007


sOme duMb aCt l0rhh ~ xD

hahars!! seLina & miie at Mount Faber thr ~ viEw sh0 niCe ~!

aCtuaLLy on e nati0naL day wE wantEd tO gO uP sEe firE wOrks de. but wE r toO late.. =_= so we onLi cann gO uP and haf fun ~ hoho ~

aftEr e cablE car ride. wE wEnt viv0 sEe b0i b0i ~ hur hur =X

bUt toO baD arh.. shOp close.. onLi cann sEe theM frm far.. =P

sOme zi lian de phot0 ~ xD

sista extra leii ~

hehe.. lOok fat nehh.

toOk tis fotO in liFt..

hehezz.. lOve myy cOntaCt nehh ~

maii sista && miie ~

hahars!! faCe toO uGly mUz cOver ~ =X


shaLL enD myy pOst wit tis ke aiix de p0n & zi photO ~

l0Ve thEm aLot wOrx.. ^^

*dhUn evEr cry. iiex wiLL aLways bE thr t0 cure ur pain anD take away ur pain.. iiex rathEr iiex suFFer dEn uu take e pain..*

x`Princess sign ~

08 August 2007

iiex wiLL live on.

I couldn't help it but shed a tear,
Whenever I recalled those moments we'd shared,
It was bliss to have you so near,
And knowing that for me you really cared.

I'd long for those moments when our eyes met,
And when you put your arms around my waist,
The way you snugged me whenever we embraced,
They were so sweet, so romantic to taste.

I'd long for the way you'd called me dear,
And the kiss you'd give me before you leave,
You'd taken away my fear towads love,
And given me a stronger reason to believe.

Why then, did you have to destroy the love
I had learnt to accept and trust?
Why then, did you have to break my heart,
And let me wallow in pain unjust?

My heart was ever bleeding,
But it has now bled dry,
My tears were ever dropping,
But I have ceased to cry,

For you have taught me to be strong,
In the face of pain,
You have taught me that love is cruel,
So I may never love again,
I will live on, and never look back,
I will live on, and forget about you,
This is the vow, that shall liberatemy soul,
And bring me on, to a life anew......

+*bY xD*+

05 August 2007

thErmOmEtEr aku mana ?!
niD take tEmpEratuRe lerr..
gt fEvEr f0r 2 days lerr..
saDD-ed larhh..
tis fEw days jUz cannt gEt e f*ckin f&n d0ne..
all brain ish like shattEred int0 mani mani..
g0in hEctic lErr..
BUT* ms cHin waS s0 gD tt shE gaVe miie
an0ther 2 days t0 gEt it d0ne.. xD

anD tMr wiLL bE e dEadlinE..
g0in chi0ng f0r it..
wish miiE gD luCk yarr.

t0daE iiex din turn uP f0r e awarD at SP.
tOo siCk t0 g0 dwn larhh..
mayb mOnday thEy wiLL pasS it tO miie bahh.. =P

hMmM.. dEn at 1+ miie wEnt jur0ng t0 eat KFC wit sista.
aFteR tt wE wEnt IMM walk walk..
denn lalala.. den g0 finD fren..
den gg hme arD 11+ wE wann go hm..
den gt BANGALA foLLow us..
stooPit de.. sO disgUstin larhh..
hE like aiM e zha bO larhh.
frEakin eR xin!
dEn miie fast fast g0 hm.
tEll mummy waD haPPen lerr.
dEn shE was lauGin upsiDe dwn larhh..
baD baD*
dEn shE sayy shld gO bEat e BANGALA.. =_=
hur hur =X
feel like chOppin hiM int0 piEcEs anD fEed hiS feLLow

hMmm.. jUz bath & cOme ouT..
blOg blOg larhh.. shO lOng nEbEr blOg lerr.
majiaM dying soOn.. hehez
g0nna enD lerr.
tmr mUz chiong !
F&N !

`xPrincess siGn