its a rainin aftern00n,
makin miie wanna g0 d0wn stair and s0ak myselF frm rain..
*wanting t0 waSh all my mem0ries away,
BUT, sadLy.... its makes miie recaLL evEn m0re mem0ries..
"e tiMes wE spEnt t0gether.. and e tiMes wE r n0w..."
and t0tally unbearable..
*-ii alm0st cry out at tt m0ment..
but ii h0ld maii tEars..
telling myself to b3 brave..
"dunn cry.. and g0 hme bath.."
wEn ii rEach hme.. gt a grEat sColdin frm muMMy,
(c0x ii play wit rain mahhx)
and i went bathin.. and its sh0 cool t0 bath on rainin dae
w/o turin on e hEater.. =P
and aftEr bathin.. i REALI REALI gt nth to d0 siax..
den g0 play audition.. hahars!
shi0k larr. maii hand almmost craMp.. =D
h0pe tMr rains too~
signin off ~
-x` PrinCess