31 March 2007

rain rain rain

its a rainin aftern00n,
makin miie wanna g0 d0wn stair and s0ak myselF frm rain..
*wanting t0 waSh all my mem0ries away,
BUT, sadLy.... its makes miie recaLL evEn m0re mem0ries..
"e tiMes wE spEnt t0gether.. and e tiMes wE r n0w..."
and t0tally unbearable..

*-ii alm0st cry out at tt m0ment..
but ii h0ld maii tEars..
telling myself to b3 brave..
"dunn cry.. and g0 hme bath.."

wEn ii rEach hme.. gt a grEat sColdin frm muMMy,
(c0x ii play wit rain mahhx)
and i went bathin.. and its sh0 cool t0 bath on rainin dae
w/o turin on e hEater.. =P

and aftEr bathin.. i REALI REALI gt nth to d0 siax..
den g0 play audition.. hahars!
shi0k larr. maii hand almmost craMp.. =D

h0pe tMr rains too~

signin off ~
-x` PrinCess

ii siMply l0ve maii bloG ! <3

yay! ii gt a bloG lerr..! and its dOne by maii
Chaotic Queeny!
ii was sO pai sEhz larr.. kEep askin hEr to chanGe tis and tt..
bUt she din cOmpLain bOut it lorr..
lovE hEr man... swEet! =)
ii LOVE aLL my QueeniEs!**

aftEr aLL! ii jUz LOVE LOVE LOVE tis bLogskin.. XD

signin off ~
-x` PrinCeSs

30 March 2007

new blog!